My friend the Wind
He knows me, he knows you, he knows us.
My friend the Wind
He touches me without possessing me.
He loves without offending
That is my friend the Wind
He knows what is happening with me and warms me of the imminent danger
He is my friend the Wind
He watches over me from another
That’s my friend The Wind
He takes care of because he knows that I and You
The Wind knows me, knows you and he loves us.
He jealous if he didn’t see me
That’s my friend The Wind
He does his job daily and he doesn’t complain
That’s my friend The Wind
He helps me, he helps you, he helps us.
He is my friend The Wind


It’s not just a beach, it’s the end of a year and the start of a new one. It’s looking back on your accomplishments and reflecting on the opportunities to improve. It’s planning for what’s ahead even when you have no idea what’s in store.
It seems so long ago but how I hope we can do it again.

Water and air fresh from the nature in the Swiss Alps is always freeing to me. The most essential things in life are free like love and compassion.

La meditaciòn es un espacio de encuentro consigo mismo, es simple, sentir la respeiraciòn y parar de todo el mundo exterior. Concentrarse en el respiro. En estos momentos meditar me ha ayudado mucho a estar en el momento presente , y calmar la mente. Encontrar nuevas soluciones y aprender a escuchar a conocerme más en profundidad. Muchísimas personas están dando meditaciòn gratuita y a bajo costo en las redes sociales. Meditar no solo ayuda psicológicamente si no físicamente, aumenta la concentraciòn y da mayor beneficio a las células cerebrales. Una vez que descubras lo sencillo y facil q es meditar y los grandes beneficios jamás podrás abandonarla sobre todo en momentos difíciles como ahora es casi una necesidad. Dona paz y lucidez.

At the lowest point in my life I was given this picture of Ethan. We had dropped him
off at boarding school a month before. I had so much self-doubt and guilt that I had
left my son in a strange place, so far from home. How could I leave my son? What
kind of mother does that? This picture gave me hope for him and a hope for our
family. He is dirty, skinny and so very happy. His smile speaks a million words.
This picture is one of my most treasured possessions. It gave me the ability to
breath and to finally show myself some compassion.

This is a picture that I took in Greece and I really miss being there. It’s one of my favorite places in the world and whenever I go there I’m always happy and stress free. I’ve been stuck in the house for a few weeks now and I wish I could go back to the summer when I was there.